Elder Mediation Training for EMIN Certification
In response to requests from a number of different parties for further training, we are delighted to announce that Later Life Mediation will offer a six-day training course in Elder Mediation in Dublin in 2025. The course is open to all accredited mediators.
Participants who have already completed training with Later Life Mediation are invited to sign up for the days which they have not already covered. The full six-day programme will suit those who have not already done training.
Location Avila, Donnybrook, Dublin www.avilacentre.ie
Dates Day 1 April 7th 2025
Day 2 April 8th 2025
Day 3 April 9th 2025
Day 4 November 10th 2025
Day 5 November 11th 2025
Day 6 November 12th 2025
Participants who have completed the Day 1 Introduction to Elder Mediation day will not need to do Day 1
Participants who have completed the three-day Advanced Family Mediation module in Elder Mediation in Maynooth University will not need to do days 1 and 4
Trainers Helen Harnett, Brian O’Neill, Frances Stephenson
Content 42 hours of training which is recognised by EMIN for certification purposes
The course will focus on the knowledge base required to practise as an elder mediator including:
Dementia and other chronic diseases
Legal Issues
Elder Abuse
Grief and Loss
Intergenerational dynamics and power balancing
Ethical issues
Skills development activities will be a core element of each day and will relate to the course content of the day. Each training day will be focused, varied and interactive.
This course is recognised by EMIN for certification purposes. For EMIN certification requirements supplementary training hours will be required in addition to the hours provided by this course. Previous candidates for certification have fulfilled the extra hours through free online training and by providing evidence of training already done in other contexts.
Accommodation A limited number of rooms are available in Avila. www.avilacentre.ie
Cost 250 euro/225 sterling per day
Deposit To book a place a non-refundable deposit of 100 euro/sterling should be paid in advance
Booking form Please email info@laterlifemediation.com for booking form and bank details for deposit
Feedback from participants in this course
‘It was a wonderful experience all round. Thanks to Brian, Helen & Frances for your brilliant training.
Very interactive, enjoyed discussions and roleplays. Huge learning.’
‘Have so enjoyed this course, the trainers and their experience/expertise and open manner.’
‘Thank you for such a great high-quality training – a joy despite the sometimes tough subject matter – a few laughs thrown in.’
‘Really would love to be a part of bringing this valuable resource to more older adults.
Keep up the good work. Insightful and informative.’
‘I really appreciate the training experience and the way it touched me personally and professionally. Thank you all for a wonderful experience.’
‘Very good, well presented, excellent overall’
‘Excellent training dynamic between all trainers. Clear that you all work well together and are very comfortable. Pace was excellent, very kind, really good interaction with the group.’
‘I think it is a great course. Really enjoyed all of the workshops.
Much more to it than first impression. Have different hat on – not same as Separating Couples mediation. Have to remember which hat is on.’
‘Feel more positive and more informed. Need for particular sensitivities and patience and the importance of keeping the elder person central to the process. I am even more interested in continuing the training and becoming certified.’’
‘Awareness of internalisation of ageism; success of role-play for learning; grief and loss may not relate to death’